Yet another fairy...

Ok - one day I'm going to do something with all the completed fairy pieces I have hanging in the closet. Until then, I guess I'm just going to continue adding to the collection.

A few years ago I started working on "Spring Fairy" by Teresa Wentzler as a companion piece to "Summer Fairy". Because of the mistake I made when I did the summer fairy (stitching it on 22ct fabric), to make the pieces match the Spring fairy must be on the same material. These are some of the tiniest stitches! Last night I got it all set up on the stand, and collected all the floss (57 different colours, making up twice as many thread blends). I even had a chance to do about an hour of stitching.

At least now I have a project to work on that I'm interested in doing!


Lene said...
October 16, 2009 11:00 pm

I just discovered this. You are so talented!! Kahlan would love the fairies - I'm going to show them yo her tomorrow. The stitching you do is beautiful. Do you hire out?

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